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Malaria is a complex parasite that's evolved to be able to live in the mosquito as the vector, and in a vertebrate host, us. It invades and grows in various cell types while stealthily evading the host’s immune responses. It also goes through several life stages while in the human host, making it difficult to tackle.

Sporozoites develop 9 Migrates through midgut wall forms oocyst 8 Gametocytes mate, undergo meiosis 7 6 Transmission to mosquito (ingests gametocytes via bite) 5 Sexual cycle (merozoites produce gametocytes instead) 4 Intraerythrocytic cycle (asexual/ symptomatic cycle) 3 Liver cells rupture and merozoites released 2 Sporozoites enter liver and infect hepatocytes Mitotic replication Transmission to human (injects sporozoites via bite) 1
Transmission to human (injects sporozoites via bite)

1. Transmission to human (injects sporozoites via bite)

Sporozoites enter liver and infect hepatocytes Mitotic replication

2. Sporozoites enter liver and infect hepatocytes Mitotic replication

Liver cells rupture and merozoites released

3. Liver cells rupture and merozoites released

Intraerythrocytic cycle (asexual/ symptomatic cycle)

4. Intraerythrocytic cycle (asexual/ symptomatic cycle)

Sexual cycle (merozoites produce gametocytes instead)

5. Sexual cycle (merozoites produce gametocytes instead)

Transmission to mosquito (ingests gametocytes via bite)

6. Transmission to mosquito (ingests gametocytes via bite)

Gametocytes mate, undergo meiosis

7. Gametocytes mate, undergo meiosis

Migrates through midgut wall forms oocyst

8. Migrates through midgut wall forms oocyst

Sporozoites develop

9. Sporozoites develop
